We imagine there are two kinds of people reading this – the first being someone about to reopen their facility and feeling worried about keeping occupants protected and feeling safe. The other being someone whose facility has already reopened, but whose stress level is high, worried every day about their building’s exposure.
If you fall into either bucket, we are here to help…
- lower your stress level about the virus
- take away the fear you aren’t doing enough
- assure your employees and guests they are entering a clean facility
- educate your employees and guests on best practices to stop the spread of COVID-19
Because we’ve remained an essential business since the pandemic began, we’ve been fighting hard against COVID-19 for other essential businesses. We’ve listened to their concerns and even helped answer questions they didn’t know where or who to ask about their facility. In fact, many of our clients know us to be more than just a management company in the building maintenance industry. Many of them consider us to be friends because we’ve never forgotten one of the most crucial things in this world – and that’s remembering to care about each other in the good times and the really hard ones, too.
Since this all began, we’ve been passionate about protecting our “essential” business clients, as well as helping our clients without the “essential” classification get back to business as soon as possible, without compromising their health or safety in the process.
Here’s What We’ve Been Working on for You
We’ve been anticipating this day for you for a long time now. Our teams are made up of amazing forward thinkers, so even when the world began to shut down and the government issued stay-at-home orders, our team members began working to protect those who stayed open, but also began to plan for what it would look like for others when their doors could reopen. We are excited to share some of the things we’ve been working on for you behind the scenes – with so much more to come soon, but we’ll give you the appetizer for now:
- Solutions to Return to Work Safely– We understand the world has changed, and that includes how your building needs to be cleaned and disinfected. There are far more factors to consider because of the pandemic, and we have created a program that highlights these new protocols (recommended by CDC) for buildings going forward.
- Building Activation Plan – The pandemic may have caused you to wonder if your current janitorial and maintenance services are enough to keep your building safe and healthy – now and even after the pandemic ends. City Wide has compiled a well-researched and detailed plan that we will discuss with every client. It is meant to help our team create and execute the best way to protect your building now and well into the future. You can take a look at the Building Activation Plan here.
- Weekly blogs to help you stay updated on the evolving pandemic and how it affects the health and safety of your building.
- Signage for your facility – We want to help bridge the communication gap you may be worried about when your employees or customers return to your building. To make that happen, we are providing you free signage to download and print to post around your facility. These signs include:
- Hand washing best practice
- Hand sanitizing best practice
- Proper sneezing/coughing technique
- Social distancing reminder
- Elevator person-limit reminder
- Common area/conference room/lobby person-limit reminder
- Notice to refrain from using shared appliances
- Occupant limit in areas in the building
- Wear a mask reminder
- If you have a fever, please return home/if you are fever free, please sanitize your hands upon entering the building
- We have also compiled a list of questions we have commonly been asked by our clients. We understand there are some things you could discover without having to talk to someone right away, which is why we felt this Frequently Asked Questions page would be helpful to many of you.
If you are on the verge of reopening your building, or even if you’ve already welcomed back employees and customers, it’s never too late for us to step in and help boost your confidence with extra preventative steps we can manage for you.
Simply fill out the red form to the right of this article, and a City Wide team member will respond and get you going toward lowering stress levels and covering your facility in the best way possible. We hope to hear from you soon. Stay healthy, friends.